New course: Bluebooking Help
under review
Laura Miller
It would be helpful to have a bluebooking guide/ guide to legal citations, and a cite-generator helper. Bluebooking is really confusing as a 1L and having more content in this area would be helpful!
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Tony Nguyen
under review
Aaron Dewald
Merged in a post:
Bluebook Citations
Jeanette Gardner
Quimbee needs a comprehensive guide to the stuff the bluebook assumes students will figure out or assumes that professors will teach. It took a lot of time to find a resource on how to short cite a law review article with two authors.
Aaron Dewald
Merged in a post:
Citation Quizzes, Flashcards, and Material
Gabriel Hawi
Legal writing, citation and other writing flashcards and quizzes will be exceptionally helpful.
Kendall Carter
We could definitely use some citation help.
Salwa Kamerow
The citegenerator you can find it on LexisNexis or other programs. I think one good help could be how to navigate the Bluebook.
Matt Sellers