Add flashcards to bar review print package
Brenly Pereira
The new flashcards are great, but they would be even more useful if they were included in the print package so students can use them when they're offline.
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Robyn Pekala
Yes, please! I don't find the online flashcards very useful and would much appreciate printed ones, either provided by Quimbee or allowing us a means to print them easily.
Jill Apter
I would very much appreciate a printed set of flashcards. Not only are printed flashcards a super effective method of studying because one can walk while memorizing, but providing a printed set of flashcards would also be a great way to offset the fact that the Quimbee app is not available offline. Students could use the printed flashcards to study on airplanes or at other times when they do not have internet access. Thanks for your consideration!