Allow video settings/behavior to be remembered (e.g., closed captioning, place in a video, etc.)
under review
save settings for videos once I start watching them one by one. Example: I clicked on "cc" for the first video then I watched it again, but had to click on "cc" again. Same for the second video. In Contracts, FYI. Same problem with the volume. Can you set it up so the website remembers my settings for videos? Also- save my spot if I have to stop listening to a lecture in the middle.
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Sonia Lei
+1. Especially on mobile, super weird that the video speed resets to 1x when I switch to fullscreen. How does this make sense??
Aaron Dewald
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Keep settings for videos
Jack Lyons
I would like to have an option to make video settings stick, so I don't have to manually set them each time I play a new video (in my case, the setting in question is 1.25x speed). This program has many short videos, manually dealing with the settings for each one could actually add up to a lot of time wasted.
Aaron Dewald
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Additional clicking when trying to play a video
Janie Immanuel
Last semester, I clicked play and a video would start with sound. Now, I often have to click play once. Then, it says click play to start, and I have to click again. Then, it says click for sound, and I have to click again. It makes much more sense to play once clicking once and automatically have the sound on, allowing the user to turn it off. If I don't want to hear the sound, I will have my computer's sound off and it won't play regardless. It's a small change, but it ends up being a lot of clicking when you're briefing over a dozen cases a week.
Aaron Dewald
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Additional app video play features
Emily Bullen
Mobile App Feedback - People listen to case brief videos and lectures more than once. The videos do not start from the beginning when you view a second time, which makes the auto playlist functionality difficult. There should be an auto playlist functionality for case briefs if bookmarked in the same folder.
Lastly, being able to connect this to some type of speaker would be awesome. I listen to these while I work and would have a better overall listening experience if not confined to my phone or headset.
Combing those two focus areas of eliminating manual processes: manually rewinding the lectures, manually going case by case in a book mark folder; and letting them play out of a Bluetooth speaker would make a better overall experience.
Aaron Dewald
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Allow users to save a preferred video speed.
Sam Lytle
Currently, I have to change the video speed for every video when it starts. It would be great if it just carried over from the last video. Or, alternatively, it would be great to simply choose a speed at which each video will start.
Aaron Dewald
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Allow users to set default video settings
Clyde Spence
Allow users to set their own personal video settings that save from video to video, e.g. not having every video start on mute or to disable closed captioning
Aaron Dewald
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retain video settings
Fraidy Stein
Allow video settings to be retained for all the videos until I change it myself without automatic reversion, including playback speed, volume, closed captions, and quality settings.
Kevin Gomez
Default playback settings are a very common feature across videohosting platforms. While I realize that knowledge is your bread and butter, rather than videohosting and playback, it's clearly a commonly used tool for your students. Thank you for reading this (if you do).
Aaron Dewald
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disable mute
Jeremy Hicks
Can you add a setting to disable auto mute when able a new video starts?
Aaron Dewald
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Abigael McGuire
If I turn on subtitles, leave them turned on! I hate having to turn them on for every single video.
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